
My popular science articles, blog pieces, and op-eds have appeared in The Washington Post, The Conversation, Frankfurter Rundschau, the South China Morning Post, the Australian Outlook, and elsewhere. Read more below about my public engagement.

Is it time for a democratic world government to address global challenges?

New Oxford/Dublin research: Public majorities worldwide support a democratic world government focused on global issues

Citizens worldwide (including Australia) support a democratic world government focused on global issues

Citizens worldwide (including Australia) support a democratic world government focused on global issues

New Oxford/Dublin research: Public majorities worldwide support a democratic world government focused on global issues

New research: Citizens worldwide support democratic global government

Our research has found vast public support for a democratic global government

Global citizens’ assemblies: Expanding the global democracy agenda

Global citizens want a stronger and more democratic United Nations

International survey: Citizens want a stronger and more democratic UN

Calls by Zelensky and Biden for UN reform are supported by people around the world – new survey

International survey: Citizens want a stronger and more democratic UN

Citizens worldwide want a stronger and more democratic UN: Findings from an international survey by Oxford, LSE, and Griffith researchers

Mehr (globale) Demokratie wagen [Daring more (global) democracy]

Study: Majorities support global democracy, political parties can benefit

Eine Welt, ein Parlament? [One world, one parliament?]

The proposal of a UN parliament: The idea, its supporters, and possible ways of implementation

„Heute nur mit Clubkarte…“ Ein Plädoyer gegen alltäglichen Rassismus in Deutschland [“Today only with a club card…” A plea against everyday racism in Germany]

Are you interested in a popular science article or opinion piece? Please contact me.